Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu. The Championship Games


The main event during our quinquagenary celebrations, the Championship Games, gives adventurers the chance to prove themselves with tests of knowledge, and skill. Five events comprise the games: Race Around The World, a group riddle, an XP contest, and the Twins combat tournament, and the World Games Extravaganza.

The games have previously included: tumble races, a foozle, a quiz, a sojourn contest.

1st place in an event wins 200 credits and 7 Championship points
2nd place in an event wins 175 credits and 5 Championship points
3rd place in an event wins 150 credits and 4 Championship points
4th place in an event wins 125 credits and 3 Championship points
5th place in an event wins 100 credits and 2 Championship points
6th place in an event wins  75 credits and 1 Championship points

At the close of the games, a single champion emerges and is declared the Champion. The Champion is gifted with the Staff of Nicator, a legendary artefact wielded by some of the most celebrated figures in history. The Champion also earns the right to the title "Lord/Lady of the Crossing," and is granted honorary stewardship over the Keep at Nicator's Crossing upon Meropis. The winner also earns 2000 credits.

Previous winners of the Championship Games are:
 Year 200: Isildur		 
 Year 300: Shakti Devi	 
 Year 350: Roncli Op'Shae	 
 Year 400: Reiye Wildfang	 
 Year 450: Jaizsur Ta'sa	 
 Year 500: Rangor Corten	 
 Year 550: Penwize Baker	 
 Year 600: Sothantos de l'Evanoir
 Year 650: Jhui Ta'sa
 Year 700: Jarrod Dracrotalus
 Year 750: Tesha al Ashtad
 Year 802: Farrah Roualt
 Year 852: Crixos
 Year 902: Imyrr Invictus