Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu. Twins Tournament

These are the rules for the Championship Games Twins tournament!
When it comes time for the event, you'll be directed to someone to register with. At this time one member of your team should inform said person of both members participation. Both people -must- be logged on at this time: if you are not both present, you will not be permitted to register. The tournament is double elimination and seeding will be randomised.
This is a test of individual and team skill, as such, we do not allow the following items to be used in the contest:
- Avatar.
- Relics.
- Mining mineral bonuses.
- Atlatl talismans.
- Soulspears.
- Truenames not gained within the match itself.
- Shadowmancy shadows not gained within the match itself.
- Artefacts that do not belong to you.
- Pariah rituals.

- Any defences from a class that neither of your team is -actively- playing. This includes runes.

- Divine favours of any kind: we will remove these if you have them when you show up to register, so don't worry about not being allowed to participate if you still have one when it comes time.

- You may not bring special quest bonuses into the arena.


- You may swap between lesser and dragon/elemental forms at will while in the arena. You may not change lesserform class while in the arena.

- Teams may use any arena they wish for their bout, providing both teams agree. If no agreement can be reached (or no arena is accessible to both parties), they should use the Delos arena.

- When two teams enter the arena, the fight has started. THERE IS NO GRACE PERIOD! We will not rerun if one team wasn't ready.

- Though unfortunate, we will not rerun bouts due to client disconnections or similar.

- If you're not sure if something is allowed, ask the tournament runner privately in advance. If it isn't and your opponents contest it and the event runner agrees, we reserve the right to rerun the fight based on our judgement.

- You may pre-raise vibrations (excluding cataclysm), rites, and harmonics outside the arena.

- You may pre-summon class-based loyals outside the arena.

- You may not pre-miriad outside the arena. Miriading in the arena is fine.

- No pre-generated kai or shin when outside the arena. If you're going to do this, it must be once the fight has started.

- Lifestones are permitted as normal.

- Lucrescent nuts are permitted.

- You may not receive help from anyone outside the arena in any form, indirectly or otherwise. Not even if you are starving to death and would have won the fight honest otherwise.

- You may change class between bouts.
Good luck! Crush each other's dreams! Don't hit your teammate! Cure heartseed!

Championship points and credits will be awarded to the top six finishers:

1st wins 200 credits and 7 Championship points
2nd wins 175 credits and 5 Championship points!
3rd wins 150 credits and 4 Championship points!
4th wins 125 credits and 3 Championship points!
5th wins 100 credits and 2 Championship points!
6th wins 75 credits and 1 Championship points!