Achaea Help Files
Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.
2.11 The WHO list and various WHO commands
We have many commands that let you see who else is in Achaea, including special lists for heralds, jewellers, cooks, and tailors (crafters!): WHO - Shows everyone that is on the same plane and visible to you. If you have ANSI on (HELP ANSI) then some will be in colour: * Guides (HELP GUIDES) will be yellow, * Celani (HELP CELANI) will be light blue, * Admins (HELP ADMINS) will be bold white, and * Gods (HELP GODS) will be green. WHO B - Shows everyone that is on the same plane and visible to you without titles. BW/QW - An abbreviated version of the full WHO list. QW <match> - Shows only names that begin the same. For example, QW RO will show Rocktamer and Rory, but not Aeyr. QW <city> - Show online members of a city. You may use ROGUE to see all adventurers who are not citizens of a city. QWC - Coloured version of QW, with adventurers names highlighted in their city's colours. Ashtan - Purple Cyrene - Teal Eleusis - Bright green Hashan - Dark yellow Mhaldor - Red Targossas - Bright white Rogue - Grey CWHO - city who - Same as WHO, but only for members of your city. CLASSWHO - Same as WHO, but only for members of your class. CLWHO - Shows members of your current clan. CRAFTERWHO - Shows people with a specified tradeskill. HWHO - house who - same as WHO, but only for house members. - HWHO T will show everyone with titles. MARKWHO - Like BW/QW, but only for members of the Ivory and Quisalis Marks NWHO - Shows all the newbies below level 30 within the realms. OWHO - Order Who - Same as WHO, but only for members of your Order. PWHO - Party Who see HELP PARTIES. RWHO - Same as the others, but only for those of your race. SPARWHO - Shows who is looking for a sparring opponent. TRADEWHO - Shows people with a specified tradeskill. WHO HERE - Shows who is in the same location with you.