Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.


19.1     Timeout                 Ensure that you do not stay online by
19.2     Registering             Why we ask you to register.
19.3     Clients                 About clients and why you need a good one.
19.3.1   Nexus                   Our official client. Function and beauty.
19.3.2   The Android Client      A free client for mobile phones.

19.4     Credits                 How to purchase credits.
19.4.1   Credit Transfers        Credit transfers & violations of HELP SECONDS.
19.4.2   Credit Market           Easily sell/buy credits for gold sovereigns.
19.4.3   Mayan Crowns            What is a Mayan Crown?
19.4.4   Elite Memberships       Monthly subscription plan.
19.4.5   Credit Loans            Safely loan credits.
19.5     Bugs                    How to report bugs, ideas, or typos.
19.5.1   Housedesign             How to suggest new Houses and skills.
19.5.2   Classleads              How to suggest changes to skills.

19.6     Website                 About Achaea's web site.
19.6.1   Web Maps                Some maps of Achaea on the web site.

19.7     Lag                     Nobody's friend.

19.8     Delete                  Ending your adventurer's life permanently.

19.9     System                  The hardware and software that Achaea uses.
19.10    Artefacts               Special magic items which may be purchased.
19.10.1  Artefacts Overview      Overview of artefacts.
19.10.2  Offensive Artefacts     Offensive artefacts only.
19.10.3  Defensive Artefacts     Defensive artefacts only.
19.10.4  Stats Artefacts         Statistics-altering artefacts only.
19.10.5  Armour Artefacts        Artefact Armour
19.10.6  Misc Artefacts          Miscellaneous artefacts only.
19.10.7  Trade Artefacts         Artefacts for Trade, Crafting, Mining.
19.10.8  Ship Artefacts          Ship based artefacts only.
19.10.9  Pets                    Living Artefacts.
19.10.10 Artefact Tattoos        For the truly discriminating.
19.10.11 Class Artefacts         Artefacts by Class
19.10.12 Elemental Artefacts     Artefacts for Elemental Lords
19.10.13 Artefact Tradeins       Trading in artefacts.
19.10.14 Artefacts Gifts         Giving artefacts as a gift.
19.10.15 Shop of Wonders         Items available in the Shop of Wonders.
19.10.16 Mini Pets               Small, collectible companions.
19.10.17 Scrappers               Everything about minipet battling!
19.10.18 Artefact Powers and Weapon Upgrades
                                 A description of transferring artefact powers and the different upgrade powers that can be added to weapons.
19.10.19 Promotional Items       Promotional item descriptions.
19.10.20 Discontinued SoW        Discontinued Shop of Wonders items.
19.10.21 Wheel of Fortune        The famous Wheel of Fortune!
19.10.22 Tome of Muses           Information about the Tome of Muses.
19.10.23 Legend Deck             Information about the Legendary Card Deck.
19.10.24 House of Wonders        Mayan Crown items just for Housing!
19.10.25 Environment Sceptre     Build a special sceptre with gems!
19.10.26 Logosmas Stockings      Special stockings with prizes!
19.10.27 Delos Bank Vault        Unlock bank vaults with keys!
19.10.28 Polymegahedral Dice     Roll these dice for prizes!
19.10.29 Tomaculan Caskets       Unlock spooky caskets with keys!
19.10.30 Globes                  Globes of Shifting Continents!

19.11    Admins                  Administrative characters there to help you.
19.11.1  Special Admins          Special Administrators Aspasia and Aquinas.
19.11.2  Tecton                  The Terraformer.

19.12    Test server             For those rare times we use one.

19.13    Customisation           Options for customising equipment.
19.13.1  Customisation Requests  How to request a customisation.
19.13.2  Gift customisations     Customisations given as gifts to others.
19.13.3  Class customisations    Customising class items, such as falcons.
19.13.4  Denizen Reactions       Make your loyal denizens come to life.
19.13.5  Perfume Customisation   Add your own perfumes and colognes to your
                                 cabinet/case artefact!
19.13.6  Mail Customisation      Customised mail delivery - the silver whistle
19.13.7  Customisation Guidelines 
                                 Guidelines for customisations!
19.13.8  Proofreading            Commands and guidelines for designers!
19.13.9  Flowerpot Customs       Customise the flowers in your stone flowerpot!
19.13.10 Item Reactions          Adding reactions to your items!
19.13.11 Battlerage Customs      Customise your battlerage attacks!

19.14    Voting and DYAD         Voting for Achaea on TopMudSites.
19.14.1  MONAD                   As it relates to DYAD.
19.15    Achaea's Forums and Discord  
                                 The forum and Discord server for Achaea.
19.16    IRE                     Our parent company, Iron Realms Entertainment.
19.18    Meeting                 Meeting other adventurers.
19.19    Contacts                Email information for various inquiries.
19.20    MXP                     Mud Extension Protocol.
19.21    Referral                Referring a friend.
19.22    Banners                 Banners and forum signatures.
19.23    GMCP                    GMCP Protocol.
19.24    Talismans               An overview of the Talisman system.
19.24.1  Talisman Market         The Talisman Market.
19.24.2  Death Talisman Set      The Death Talisman Set.
19.24.3  Historical Talismans    The Historical Talisman Set.
19.24.4  Mark Talisman Set       The Marks Talisman Set.
19.24.5  Invasion Talismans      The Invasion Talisman Set.
19.24.6  Cities Talismans        The Cities Talisman Set.
19.24.7  Seafaring Talismans     The Seafaring Talisman Set.
19.24.8  Monks Talismans         The Monks Talisman Set.
19.24.9  Yggdrasil Talismans     The Yggdrasil Talisman Set.
19.24.10 Planes Talismans        The Planes Talisman Set.
19.24.11 Races Talismans         The Races Talisman Set.
19.24.12 Contenders Talismans    The Contenders Talisman Set.
19.24.13 ElderGods Talismans     The ElderGods Talisman Set.
19.24.14 Renegades Talismans     The Renegades Talisman Set.
19.24.15 Blackwave Talismans     The Blackwave Talisman Set.
19.24.16 ModernGods Talismans    The ModernGods Talisman Set.
19.24.17 Logosmas Talismans      The Logosmas Talisman Set.
19.24.18 Memory Talismans        The Memory Talisman Set.
19.24.19 Wanderer Talismans      The Wanderer Talisman Set.