Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.

19.13.11 Battlerage Customisation

Customise how your battlerage attacks are seen for 150 bound or customisation credits per attack!


This will create a customisation request setup with the fields applicable to the skill you are customising!

You will not be able to create a customisation for a battlerage skill if your current active class does not have access to it.

  Damage attacks          - need 1p and 3p messages.
  Afflicting attacks      - need 1p, 3p and end messages.
  Damage over Time (DoT)  - need 1p, 3p, tick messages, and end messages.
  Target Player           - need 1p, 2p, and 3p messages.  
                          - The timed end of these cannot be customised.
                          - Paladin's Recovery is one of these types.
  Affliction consumers*   - These attacks are empowered by the presence of an additional affliction.				  

1p   = first person (you using the ability)
3p   = third person (others in the room)
2p   = second person (the person who an ability is being used on)
tick = an ongoing tick message.
end  = when a DoT or affliction falls off/ends.

* affliction consumers when customised will be followed by a hardcoded, non-customisable message if an affliction was present to empower the attack, these are as follows:

- CLUMSY: In a clumsy attempt to dodge the strike, $(lname$) succeeds instead at taking its full brunt.
- WEAKNESS: Weakened by a previous assault, $(lname$) fails to guard against the blow.
- SENSITIVE: Bewildered by sensitivity, $(lname$) recoils in pain and agony.
- NOHEAL: $+(lname$) staggers at the assault, $(lhis$) wounds failing to close.
- RECKLESS: Blinded by rage, $(lname$) takes and ignores the attack.
- AEON: $+(lhis$) perception of time ensures $(lname$) feels the blow before $(lhe$) sees it.
- AMNESIA: $+(lname$) belatedly raises $(lhis$) guard, but too slowly for success.
- STUN: Briefly stunned by the force of the assault, $(lname$) shakes free of $(lhis$) daze.
- FEAR: Recoiling with terror in $(lhis$) eyes, $(lname$) takes a moment to regain $(lhis$) composure.

Variables for use within these messages:

$name - your name - except in tick and end (timed) messages where this will be the target denizen.
$lname - target's name
$he/him/his - your pronouns
$lhe/lhim/lhis - your target's pronouns.