Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu. Race Around The World


This is a Championship Games team race that will require competitors to fully complete a ship racing course taking them all the way around the continent. 

Championship points will be awarded to captain of the winning ships.

Teams may use any ship type!

If you want to be a team of one, that is absolutely fine!


The World Race will use the formal ship race system and courses and tracks and mechanics therein. See HELP SHIPRACE for all of the relevant information here.

Additional rules:

- WAVECALL will not be available
- Whirlpools will have a much shorter duration (10 second duration, 5 minute cooldown on usage)
- Use of ship weapons, offensive sea spells*, and attacking other ships directly is not permitted**

* Wavescythe is the main relevant spell here, but anything that interferes with another team qualifies as disallowed.

** Ships in the race cannot be fired on or fire weapons of their own

** Use of ship weapons and attacking other ships directly is not permitted. **


Championship points and credits will be awarded to the top six finishers:

1st wins 200 credits and 7 Championship points
2nd wins 175 credits and 5 Championship points!
3rd wins 150 credits and 4 Championship points!
4th wins 125 credits and 3 Championship points!
5th wins 100 credits and 2 Championship points!
6th wins 75 credits and 1 Championship points!